
Most Vestil products ship FOB from Vestil warehouses located in Angola, IN 46703.

To calculate your shipping cost, simply add the desired item(s) to your shopping cart and provide the shipping destination details. Shipping charges will be calculated and displayed based on your input.

For Large Items:

If your item is too large for standard parcel services like UPS, please contact us through the product page's contact form or the main contact page for a freight quote. We will provide shipping options from our LTL carriers and add the freight cost to your order. Items that exceed UPS size limits are sometimes marked on our website for your convenience. Sometimes, many smaller items combined still justify shipping via an LTL carrier to save costs.

Collect Shipping

You also have the option to ship on your UPS, FedEx, or other carrier account. During checkout, choose "collect shipping" and enter the carrier name along with your account number for that carrier.

Best Practices: Before Accepting Delivery

Vestil Products - Returned Goods Policy


Vestil Manufacturing Corporation reserves the right to make changes in design or specifications consistent with product improvement without notification. Vestil Manufacturing Corporation strongly believes in continual product improvements to maintain a competitive advantage and bring the best value to our customers. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of products and specifications contained in the website. Although the information represented on this site is presented in good faith to be correct, all measurements were taken by hand and are approximate; slight variations occur and tolerances may vary. Our sales and customer service staff is available if your application requires verification of critical dimensions or detailed drawings.