Cargo Bar Holder and Load Lock Holder

Manufacturer: Ancra International
Cargo Bar Holder BarKeep from Ancra is the perfect storage solution to lost and damaged cargo load locks.
SKU: 49348-11
Manufacturer part number: 49348-11
GTIN: 92888316908
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Cargo Bar or Load Lock Holder Ancra BarKeeper

Load Lock holder has two parts – a top restraining holder, and a bottom foot protector. It is the perfect solution to lost and damaged cargo load locks. Bolt it to the wall of your truck, trailer, or warehouse, and it will keep your equipment organizd and safe.

A bar secures the bars in place by pressing a pin. The end of the restraining rod has a hole in which a padlock can be inserted for security.

Load Lock holder has two parts – a top restraining holder, and a bottom foot protector. The top gets bolted to the wall; it has a 1/4" diameter pre-drilled hole in each corner.

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